2024 DIARY

*Limited Stock Available*

Make Dua.

Write It. Action It.

We all have goals in life, no matter what it is, but one of the actions that differentiates the one that makes progress compared to the one that remains in the same place and stagnant, is taking yourself to account.

Thabit ibn al-Hajjaj reported: Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “Hold yourselves accountable before you are held accountable and evaluate yourselves before you are evaluated, for the Reckoning will be easier upon you tomorrow if you hold yourselves accountable today.”

Muḥasabat al-Nafs 2

Organise. Focus. Progress.

When tasks in your mind are written down they automatically become less jumbled, which allows room for clarity and organisation in why, where, when, and how you need to do and want to do. Become ‘that’ productive Muslim.

There are benefits of this diary that have been created to reduce and remove the overwhelm you feel with so many things to do, that you become demotivated. This diary will give you that desire which will help you grow.

It includes:

~Daily journal

~Birdseye view of your monthly plans

~Food journal

~Weekly habit creation & daily accountability

~Gratitude reflection

~Weekly progress, accountability & reflection

~Exercise & nutrition goals

~Weekly Quranic verses, hadith, Fitsters motivational quotes & other quotes


Sneak Peak Of What’s Inside

A Little


Inspiration and reminders help to nurture the strength of the mind, body and soul for the inevitable hurdles of life.

Make each quote a driver for that week.


These systems help to declutter your mind and keep you organised and less stressed. When we become disciplined and stay more on track, it reflects in many areas of our lives. And we become more productive.

JazakAllahu Khayr

I pray that this helps you in your journey to better health and wellbeing, but mostly, a better connection with Allah subhana wata ala, in all areas. When you are able to see what you spend your time on during the day, it allows you to use it, for what is beneficial and waste less time.

Surah Asr 103:1-3

وَٱلْعَصْرِ ( ١. إِنَّ ٱلْإِنسَـٰنَ لَفِى خُسْرٍ (٢. إِلَّا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَعَمِلُوا۟ ٱلصَّـٰلِحَـٰتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا۟ بِٱلْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْا۟ بِٱلصَّبْرِ ( ٣

1) By the Passage of time! 2) Surely humanity is in grave loss. 3) except those who have faith, do good, and urge each other to the truth, and urge each other to perseverance.